Recently, Reddit user u/perfumedpornovampire sparked a lively discussion in the r/travel community, seeking fellow kitsch enthusiasts, posting, "Tell me the trashiest, tackiest tourist trap cities worldwide." Responses flooded in, and without further ado, here are 17 of the tacky travel destinations people love for their kitsch:

1."Niagara Falls, Canada, is peak kitsch. If you told AI to generate a touristy place, it’s Niagara Falls."

2."Nassau, Bahamas. It’s like a living gift shop."

3."Say what you will about Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, but Dollywood is loads of fun! And the Smokies are amazing!!"

4."Atlantic City is awesome if you know where to go. I could think of 15 places easily there where you will have an excellent meal."

5."Roswell, New Mexico! Their alien museum looks so fake, almost like a kid built it for a school project, but it’s so fun. It’s so clear that Roswell's historic "UFO sighting" was just a weather balloon, but the town ran with it, and now everything there is alien-themed. I love it. I highly recommend the Roswell UFO Spacewalk."

6."Vietnam’s highest mountain, Phan Xi Pang in Sa Pa."

7."Wisconsin Dells. I call that place 'little kid Vegas.'"

8."I love Newport, Oregon, especially that big dock all the Sea Lions fight over. They never fail to crack me up."

9."St. Augustine, Florida, is pretty cool, but it has gotten crazy with tourists."

10."Jackson Hole, Wyoming... it's a pretty badass tourist destination."

11."I love New Orleans, Louisiana. It's one of my favorite cities, and I embrace its tackiness, grittiness, and elegance all at once. That's what makes it so unique."

12."Costa Maya in Mexico. Go there if you REALLY want to see a living gift shop."

13."Get yourself to Blackpool."

14."Magaluf, Majorca, Spain."

15."Helen, Georgia during Oktoberfest."

16."Skegness, UK."

17."Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, Mexico has some very tacky touristy sections downtown... That said, they have some beautiful beaches there, too."

Did we miss your favorite tacky tourist destination? Let us know what it is in the comments, or submit a response anonymously via this Google form, and your submission may be featured in a future BuzzFeed post.

Note: Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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